February 2015 minutes FINAL

Monthly Meeting Minutes

DATE: Thursday, February 19, 2015
LOCATION: Assumption Greek Orthodox Church
29 Brother in attendance
Chachi lead the prayer for dinner
George Genetos – Captain of the Guard opens meeting with prayer
All Members – Pledge of Allegiance
John Kostaras starts the meeting; welcomes guests (3) from out of town.
Steve Lemere – Booze Dues and Libation program at each Church
We sang Happy Birthday to all of the February birthdays.
Wellness Update – All
Chachi advised that the President of the Alaskan chapter has prostate cancer and we need
to pray for him.
Nick Anastos was diagnosed with prostate cancer as well. Chachi asked that we pray for
him as well.
Jim Thomas offered words of encouragement as he is a survivor of prostate cancer.
Tony Tangalos said that anyone over 50 should get a PSA test.
Peter Kokalis is also having health issues. Call and say hi to Peter if you can.
Ed Weiss is doing well, working and traveling.
Costa – Calcium imaging check for $90 at SMILE, Scottsdale medical imaging but you need a
prescription. The CAT scan will determine how much calcium build-up you have in your
arteries. Neil Heckman – Secretary’s Report from November meeting
Motion to accept the minutes
1st: Chachi Tzavaras
2nd: George Genetos
No discussion
Motion Passed unanimously
John Kostaras discussed the agenda that was set up at the tables
Steve Lemere advised booze dues and who supposed to bring what
Nick will bring Dewar’s next month
George D will bring a Libation
Neil H to bring a bottle of Ouzo to the next meeting
Steve L to make list of booze dues
Tony T will bring a bottle of Ouzo as well
Dinner Report: Given by John Kostaras
$181 for dinner intake
John Kostaras with Treasurer’s Report
Operating Balance $7,489.02
Current account balance: $8,486.80
Motion to accept – Costa
George – 2nd
Discussion – None
Approved – Unanimous
Nick Kantaros paid for dinner this evening
Bills due for dinner expenses “Pay the Bills”
43 people have already paid the annual dues to date. Best we have ever seen. We can
accept check or credit card at the next meeting for $75.
Peter Maydanis asked if we pay dues for all or just those who attend. Costa and John K
advised the by-laws. We have had 5 members that have not paid in a number of years that
have been put on the delinquent list. We keep a delinquent roster of members. Our roster
is at 140 members. We lost 5 but we gained 12. Sons of Pericles are considered members
and they have their own meetings. We have members that run businesses but they pay
their dues. Costa advised that Denver and San Diego are the largest memberships and they
only get 40-50 people and they have 300 members. We get 30-40 members at our
meetings with less than half the membership!
National Dues for 2014 was paid in full.Unfinished Business:
 George Venetis – St Innocent Orphanage in Mexico for outreach program thanked all
brothers who committed $2000.00 in donations – sincere thanks!
 That was the most ever raised and that buys a lot of school material and the kid love
getting the school supplies.
 Checks are to be paid to AHEPA 219 for St. Innocent’s if you made the commitment.
The money has already been sent. There are a few who have yet to pay their
 We have a company that gives a matching grant for whatever we raise!
 Peter Palmer and Pete Marudas went to the National convention and they had a
great time. Phoenix 219 had the largest enrollment of any new members within
District and in the Top 5 in the Nation!
 We lost an esteemed District 20 member and he left over $160K to the fund at his
death. Chachi said there is almost $700K for scholarships at the district level and
they give $30K annually.
 Chandler is hosting the District Convention this year. We need to go and support
this event.
 The date for the District Convention will be in June at Wild Horse Pass.
 Andy Clary sent out District 20 Scholarship applications to all eligible recipients.
New Business:
 30 pre-purchased tickets for Spring Training Game for March 28th were secured for
game against the D’backs and Kansas City Royals. 10 tickets remain to be sold. If
anyone is in need ask John Kostaras
 Heckman brought up that the Silent Auction and Corporate Sponsors was supposed
to be used for scholarships. We used it for the Operations account to support Gala
expenses. The end justifies the means, BUT I and Greg told sponsors that that the
money is for scholarships.
 Scholarship committee will get together and re-evaluate what we need to do in
order to improve scholarship program.
 JK asked that Andy have a post-Gala meeting to discuss what needs to be changed.
Andy will arrange for next month.
 Update needed to be given at the March Meeting
 JK said that we need to have a separate meeting to discuss scholarship’s & ECF
program improvements for consistency and continuity.
1st meeting is for ECF, Scholarship. AR – Andy Clary and Costa
Once improvements have been finalized, then a meeting with the Christmas
Gala Chairman will take place.
Motion made by Costa
2nd by Tony
Discussion: Agreed to have separate meeting and lunch
Motion made to amend to include Gala chairman. Salzetti will come.
Heckman, Salzetti, JK, Costa, Clary to have a separate meetingMotion to form an ADHOC team to ratify and improve the program.
Report to the group at the March Meeting.
1st: Costa
2nd: Tony T
Vote and passed unanimously
Motion made by Costa for Neil to be the ad hoc committee coordinator.
JK suggested a meeting with Executive Team and Board of Governor’s For
March 21st
Don French wants to be able to review operating account statements.
Costa – Minutes and Treasurer’s report can be linked to newsletter, website,
or have hard copies on the tables preceding dinner and meetings.
Nick Kotovos suggested that we show every line item expense on our
operating statement.
Costa – Our ECF commitments to date was $184,200
Costa – Start of 19,235.43
Pledge made of $500 tonight. Total of $1100 came in tonight for ECF
We now have 40 pledges to the ECF and have pledged $83,000 and that does
not include the $100K from George Johnson. 1 new pledger.
New balance $18,735.43
Suggestion made to put in a conservative fund to earn 5% or 7% interest.
March Dinner Sponsors:
Nick Kantaros paid for the dinner to celebrate his birthday.
Good of the Order:
Chachi says that everyone is staying to cleanup.
We have a member that wants to join tonight
We collected $181 for dinner. Pay the bills!!
Tim Floor needs to give us his receipts.
St. Nicolas Shrine Pins $20/each – John Kostaras to order 15 pins
Nick Maydanas wants to build a new website and wants to use our pictures. Nick needs to
get written permission to use their picture.
Nick needs to get the most current directory from Neil Heckman.
Neil Heckman to get most current directory from Tim Floor.
Dinner sponsor from December will be the ones for March.Minutes Taken By:
____________________________ Thursday, February 19, 2015
Neil Heckman, Secretary of the Chapter
President Approval:
____________________________ February 19th, 2015
John Kostaras
Chapter 219 President


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